Law Talk with MKI Legal

Join MKI Legal on Law Talk every Thursday at 10:30am to 11am to answer your legal questions with Gary Adshead on 6PR Perth Radio.

Law Talk focuses on discussing various legal issues and providing advice to listeners on a wide array of topics concerning the law. Each episode features different callers who present their legal queries and concerns, ranging from family court matters, tenant disputes, to identity theft and employment contract changes. The show offers not only guidance on specific legal problems but also highlights recent changes in laws, such as amendments to family court laws, the 'right to disconnect' law, and others.

Newest Episode

26th September 2024


In this week's episode, Beverly sought guidance on the sale of her house in the event of her husband's demise, given that the deeds are in his name. Nick clarified the necessity of probate for Beverly to manage her husband's property posthumously, despite a will favouring the surviving spouse. Nick also touched on the benefits of joint tenancy, which Beverly lacks, thus complicating the process. The discussion then shifted to address the issue of a couple sharing a solicitor during their separation, and the appropriateness of a company policy barring employees from accepting tips.

Episodes List

Showing 15 of 16 videos